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Neon Tetra, your first fish?

Neon Tetra, your first fish?

Bay Aquatics |

Ideal Tank Size & Setup for NEON TETRAS

Minimum Tank Size: 40 liters (larger is better for bigger schools)
🌡 Temperature: 22-26°C
💧 pH: 6.0-7.0
🪨 Hardness: 35-180 ppm (2-10 dGH)
🌿 Tank Setup: Neon tetras thrive in well-planted tanks with soft, slightly acidic water. Provide driftwood, fine-leaved plants, and a dark substrate to mimic their natural Amazonian habitat.

🔹 Pro Tip: Use a sponge filter or a gentle-flow filter to avoid strong currents that can stress them.

Diet & Feeding

🥄 Food Type: High-quality micro pellets, flakes, frozen or live foods (such as daphnia and baby brine shrimp)
Feeding Frequency: Once per day, small portions

Neons are omnivorous and will readily accept a variety of foods. A balanced diet with occasional protein-rich treats helps enhance their color.

Behavior & Tank Mates

🦐 Temperament: Peaceful and social
🐟 Best Tank Mates: Other small, peaceful fish like ember tetras, guppies, corydoras catfish & rasboras.
⚠️ Avoid: Large or aggressive fish (like cichlids or barbs) that may see them as food or harass them

🔹 Schooling Fish: Always keep at least 6-8 neon tetras, but a larger group (10-15+) is ideal for their comfort and natural schooling behavior.

Care Level & Maintenance

🔹 Difficulty: Easy to moderate
🔍 Common Health Concerns: Neon tetra disease (NTD), ich, and stress-related illnesses
💦 Water Maintenance: Perform regular 25-30% water changes weekly to maintain stable water parameters

Neon tetras are hardy but sensitive to water quality changes. A well-cycled tank with consistent conditions is key to keeping them healthy.

Interesting Facts

Neon Glow: Their iridescent blue stripe helps them stay visible to their schoolmates in dark waters.
Not True Tetras?: Despite the name, neon tetras belong to the characin family, closely related to piranhas!
Wild vs. Captive-Bred: Most neon tetras in the hobby are captive-bred, but wild-caught specimens from the Amazon tend to have even brighter colors.

Neon tetras are a fantastic addition to any peaceful community tank. If you're looking to start your own school of these vibrant fish, visit Bay Aquatics for expert advice and high-quality aquarium supplies!