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Keep Your Elegant Angels Healthy and Happy

Keep Your Elegant Angels Healthy and Happy

Bay Aquatics |

Angel Fish (Pterophyllum scalare) are among the most popular and majestic freshwater aquarium fish. Known for their graceful, flowing fins and distinct triangular shape, they add a touch of elegance and beauty to any tank. With their peaceful nature and captivating appearance, it’s no wonder they are a favorite among hobbyists. However, to ensure these stunning fish thrive in your aquarium, it’s important to provide the right care and environment. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about keeping Angel Fish healthy, from water parameters to feeding, tank mates, and troubleshooting.

Water Parameters: Creating the Ideal Environment

Angel Fish are native to the slow-moving waters of South American rivers, so replicating their natural habitat is key to their well-being. These fish thrive in stable and slightly acidic water conditions.

  • Temperature: 24–28°C. Angel Fish prefer warmer waters, but avoid sudden temperature fluctuations, as this can lead to stress and health problems.
  • pH: 6.5–7.5. They thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water, which keeps their sensitive skin and gills healthy.
  • Hardness: 3–8 dGH. Soft to moderately hard water is ideal for Angel Fish, as very hard water can affect their health.

Why are these parameters important? Stable water conditions help Angel Fish stay stress-free and healthy. Fluctuating temperatures or incorrect pH can lead to weakened immune systems and susceptibility to disease.

Tank Size and Setup: Making Your Angel Fish Feel at Home

Angel Fish can grow quite large, reaching up to 15 cm in length, and they need ample space to swim. A minimum tank size of 100–150 litres is recommended for a small group of Angel Fish. A larger tank will be needed if you plan to keep more than a few.

Tank Setup Tips:

  • Swimming Space: While they spend most of their time in the middle to upper levels of the tank, it’s important to provide enough swimming space for them to move freely. Avoid overcrowding with too many fish.
  • Aquascaping: Angel Fish love plants, but make sure there is still enough open space for them to swim. Plants like Java fern, Amazon sword, or Anubias are great choices. They also enjoy having places to hide, such as caves or driftwood.
  • Substrate: Fine gravel or sand is best for Angel Fish, as they are delicate and may injure themselves on rougher substrates.
  • Filtration: Angel Fish prefer clean water, but they’re sensitive to strong currents. Use a gentle filter that won’t create a strong current, but will still keep the water clean.

Tank Mates: Peaceful, Yet Territorial

Angel Fish are generally peaceful but can be territorial, especially during breeding. When choosing tank mates, you’ll need to select peaceful species that won’t crowd or stress them out. Since Angel Fish are larger than many other aquarium species, it's important to choose fish that are of similar size or temperament.

Ideal Tank Mates:

  • Other peaceful fish like Tetras (e.g., Lemon Tetra or Cardinal Tetras, aim for slightly larger tetras as smaller tetras could be seen as food)
  • Corydoras catfish
  • Gouramis (such as Pearl Gouramis)
  • Peaceful livebearers (e.g., Platies)

Avoid keeping Angel Fish with aggressive species like cichlids or fin-nippers, as they can cause stress and harm to your fish. Additionally, avoid keeping them with tiny fish that may become prey.

Diet: What to Feed Your Angel Fish

Angel Fish are omnivores, which means they will eat both plant and animal matter. To keep them healthy and vibrant, it’s essential to offer a varied and balanced diet.

Feeding Tips:

  • Foods: Offer high-quality flake or pellet food designed for carnivorous or omnivorous fish. You can supplement with frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. Angel Fish also enjoy occasional plant-based foods, such as blanched spinach or peas.
  • Feeding Frequency: Feed your Angel Fish once or twice a day, providing only as much food as they can eat in a few minutes.
  • Portion Size: Avoid overfeeding, as uneaten food can pollute the water and cause water quality issues. It's better to feed smaller amounts more frequently than overfeeding in one go.

Common Mistakes: What to Avoid

Even experienced fish keepers can make a few mistakes when caring for Angel Fish. Here are some common errors and how to avoid them:

  • Inappropriate Tank Size: Angel Fish need space to swim. A tank that’s too small can cause stress and health problems. Stick to the recommended tank size and ensure your fish have room to thrive.
  • Aggressive Tank Mates: Avoid keeping Angel Fish with aggressive or overly active species. Their peaceful nature means they can be easily bullied, especially during breeding.
  • Improper Feeding: Offering too much dry food or not varying their diet can lead to malnutrition. A balanced diet of both plant and animal matter is essential.
  • Not Maintaining Water Quality: Angel Fish are sensitive to poor water conditions. Regular water changes (around 20% every week - two weeks) and monitoring water parameters are key to keeping them healthy.

Troubleshooting: Signs of Stress or Illness

Even with the best care, Angel Fish can experience stress or illness. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Behavioral Changes: If your Angel Fish starts hiding more than usual, swimming erratically, or not eating, it could be a sign of stress. Check your tank’s water parameters and ensure they are stable. Also, make sure tank mates are not causing issues.
  • Physical Changes: Faded colors, clamped fins, or sores on the body can be signs of illness. If you notice any of these, quarantine the affected fish and consult an expert or veterinarian.
  • Breathing Issues: If your Angel Fish is gasping at the surface, it may be a sign of low oxygen levels or water quality issues. Check your filtration and perform a water change if necessary.